Human Milk Bank Equipment's


Authorized Manufacturer of HMB Equipment's

Human Milk Pasteuriser

* MP 1001 (30 Bottles)

Human Milk Pasteuriser

* Mp 1001 (50 Bottles)


* CH 1001 (30 Bottles)


* CH 1001 (50 Bootles)

Human Milk Warmer

* MW 37

Human Milk Analyzer

* HMA 001

Hot Air Oven

* HAO 40

* HAO 20

Hot Air Oven

* HAO 40

* HAO 20

Deep Freezer

* DF 250

* DF 350


* RF 245

* RF 325

Laminar Air Flow

* LAF 20

* LAF 40

Laminar Air Flow

* LAF 20

* LAF 40

Vertical Autoclave

* ACL 50

* ACL 100

Bottle Sealer

* BSL 100

Would you like to start Human Milk Bank in Your
Hospitals ?

We are here, to guide you with best facilities under one roof. Tracking &
management s/w & AMC to run HMB operation smoothly.


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